Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Goodbye Sister Costa

Sunday we had the pleasure of going up to Salem to say farewell to Lauren who is leaving to serve a mission for our church. Lauren is the youngest daughter of the family I lived with through out high school and is in all ways my little sister. I am so proud to see her dream of being a missionary come true, and I know she will be awesome!

Since she's been living in Virgina, Arizona, and Utah since graduating from high school we've not been able to see much of one another. It was extra special then, that she chose to come back to Oregon for her farewell, because with Twinkle Toes being so newly born, I wouldn't have been able to travel to another place to see her off. (She did something similar for my our other sister, since she too is unable to travel because of a new baby, and went to Boston to go through the temple so that Angela could be with her.)

She'll be serving the people in the California, Carlsbad mission! Everyone wish her luck!

We'll be praying for you, Sister Costa!


cheriemartin said...

Check my new ruffle post and you will get the details. Somehow you saw my before-edit post. Cute pictures of your boys!

Anonymous said...

:-) I'm not coming to Oregon at the moment... BUT when it comes to photography, I will travel. To get to Oregon, I would need several photo sessions booked. Feel free to e-mail me about it for more info... aubrielzinga (at) gmail (dot) com