But then he was born... then it no longer seemed to fit. I've wanted it to; I've even had long internal debates about how it's as real a name for him in some regards as his given name (since to those who know about him only through the virtual world, he has no other name), and it's not normal to just up and change ones name. But in the end it doesn't fit him, and it doesn't really identify with him as a person now. My other children's blog names do; they are names I use for them in the real world as much as I do in the ethers of the Internet.
And so with much (probably way more than is normal and healthy for such a thing) deliberation I am rechristening Twinkle Toes, and bestowing upon him for hence forth and forever the name, "Goob." Aliases to include, "King Goob," "Goober King," "King of the Goobers," and "Mr. Goob." Anyone who knows my baby boy in real life knows quite easily how natural and well fitting this name is. It's what I call him often in real life, and his goobery smile and chubby cheeks just seem to exude Gooberness.
And after all, it's my blog, so I can do it if I want to! I present to you, his royal highness, Mr. Goob, King of all Goobers !
Just look at that face... He's wearing this darling dino sweat shirt my mom found for him, for Christmas, that has dino scales all down the hood. I laugh every time he wears it and starts making growling noises.
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